Ceiling light fixture in the shape of a crystal raspberry

Lights Out? Lighting Troubleshooting Made Easy

In the grand performance of your home's daily life, the actors on the stage are often the lights. They set the mood, guide your way, and highlight your décor. But what happens when the show goes awry, and the lights refuse to cooperate? Fear not, dear homeowner, for in our newest blog post, we'll be your backstage pass to troubleshooting lighting issues in your home. Let's get ready to shine a light on the problems and unveil solutions that will bring the house down (in a good way)!


Check the Basics

Begin your quest for illumination by ensuring the light bulb is not loose or burnt out. Sometimes, it's the simplest issues that lead to lighting drama. Give the bulb a gentle twist or replace it if needed.


Inspect the Switches

Light switches can be sneaky culprits. Check if the switch is turned on, and don't forget to investigate dimmer switches that may be set too low. You don't want your lights to be caught in a mood!


Blown Fuses and Tripped Circuits

If a whole circuit or a specific room is in the dark, there might be a blown fuse or a tripped circuit breaker in your electrical panel. Inspect the panel and reset the breaker or replace the fuse if necessary.


Wiggle Wires and Connections

Sometimes, it's the wiring that's causing the trouble. Loose wires or damaged connections can disrupt your lighting. Check switches, outlets, and the fixture's wiring for any issues.


Fixture Problems

If a specific light fixture isn't working, inspect it for loose bulbs, frayed wires, or damaged sockets. Fix or replace any problematic components.


Call in the Professionals

When all else fails, or if you're uncomfortable dealing with electrical issues, it's wise to call in a professional electrician. Here at Aurora Lighting and Supply, we have the expertise to troubleshoot and repair more complex problems with no fuss of judgement. 


    Aurora Lighting and Supply: Your Lighting Issue Partners

    At Aurora Lighting and Supply, we understand that lighting glitches can put a damper on your home's performance. With over 15 years of experience in commercial and residential lighting, our expert team is here to provide you with a variety of lighting solutions. Whether you're a seasoned troubleshooter or in need of professional help, we're your partners in ensuring your home remains brilliantly lit.

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